Thank you for your interest in serving a second year with AmeriCorps and CivicSpark for the 2024-25 Service Year! Complete a full application if you are interested in being considered by a different host site or both your current host site and different host sites. If you would like to only be considered for a second term with your current host site, then you will submit an abbreviated application.
SAME SITE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): Serving for a second year at the same site is contingent on CivicWell approving the partner’s project, the project partner’s interest, and their ability to provide the additional $5,000 for a Fellow serving for a second year at their site. Partners provide this additional $5,000 as these Fellows substantially understand their agency and project and can take on greater responsibility. If interested, Fellows should discuss the opportunity to return for a second term with their site supervisor. If the site supervisor agrees, then you will submit an abbreviated application. If approved, CivicSpark Fellows returning for a second term with their same site will receive a $5,000 increase as an additional stipend provided by the program to make the overall amount $39,000 (before taxes). Note: select "same site" if you have ONLY expressed interest in returning to your current host site. If you would like to also be considered for placement at different host sites, then select "both"
DIFFERENT SITE: Fellows interested in serving at a different site will submit a full application. Upon submission, the application will be added to our entire pool of candidates routed to partners for consideration. While we assume returning Fellows will be highly desirable candidates, it is contingent on a partner's decision to extend an offer. If hired, you would receive the $34,000 stipend (before taxes) along with the incoming cohort, as from a partner perspective, you would be part of the general pool of candidates whom they would need to onboard to their organization, project, and potentially subject area. View projects for the upcoming service year by visiting Our Projects page.
All fields marked with a red * are required.