Mid-State Rules and Regulations and Dress Code Acknowledgement Form

Grade: *

Rules and Regulations

  • Students are required to attend all rehearsals and Mid-State concerts.
  • Students who fail to perform at the concert or are removed from Mid-State will lose their All-State status.
  • Students will be in their seats and ready to begin rehearsal at least ten (10) minutes prior to the start of each rehearsal. Failure to be 10 minutes early and ready to rehearse will result in the following:
    • First offense – Student moved to the bottom of their section.
    • Second offense – Dismissed from Mid-State by the MTSBOA Executive Board
  • Students will not chew gum or eat food in rehearsals.
  • Students will not have cell phones on and/or visible during rehearsals.
  • Students will refrain from talking during rehearsals.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco products, and/or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
  • Students must have a pencil at rehearsals.
  • Students must wear name tags at all rehearsals.
  • Students will not drive other students in their personal cars.

Dress for the All Mid-State Concerts will be as follows:

Concert Bands and Orchestras should choose from the following:

  • Long black dress (below the knees when seated; strapless/spaghetti straps not allowed) with black socks/hosiery and black dress shoes. 
  • Short black tuxedo (no tails) or black suit, white tux shirt or white long sleeve button down shirt with a black-tie (bow/straight) and black socks/hosiery and black dress shoes. 
  • Black, long-sleeve, button-down shirt/blouse and black skirt/dress pants with black socks/hosiery and dress shoes.

Jazz Bands should choose from the following:

  • Long black dress (below the knees when seated; strapless/spaghetti straps not allowed) with black socks/hosiery and dress shoes.
  • Skirt/Dress pants and Dress shirt/blouse. 
  • Coat and tie with dress slacks.

Rules, Regulations and Dress Code Agreement

It is understood by students and parents that any infraction of the above rules of conduct or involvement in any illegal activity constitutes grounds for the student’s dismissal from Mid-State activities by the MTSBOA Executive Committee. The Director/Teacher will be contacted and asked to make immediate arrangements for their student’s transportation home. The below signed student and parents also give permission to MTSBOA to use the student’s name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade, and other lawful purposes.
Student Signature *