Every snowflake is unique and every foster child is unique.

AASK foster families provide stable and loving homes for children in care, and as foster parents get to know the children in their lives, they create a special relationship with each child.

In contrast to the idea of a toy drive, for example, where toys are donated by members of the community who do not know the child – the idea here is that choosing a holiday gift for a child is what families do, what parents do. Families know and care for each child individually, and AASK is supporting the relationship between child and foster family through this year’s Snowflake Drive.

Through December, organizations and individuals are asked to donate:


Snowflake ornaments

$10 and $25 gift cards


This will benefit each foster child placed with an AASK foster family.

Every child will receive an ornament and a gift purchased for them with the gift card. Foster families will ask each child about their holiday wishes and donors will help to make these wishes come true.

Select Amount to Donate


Donor Information:

Approved retailers for gift cards are:

  • Amazon
  • Babies 'R' Us
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Big 5 Sporting Goods
  • GameStop
  • Target
  • Toys 'R' Us
  • Walmart

Current Total: $
Click Donate to make a donation.
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