The Education State | Victoria State Government

Raising a complaint or concern about a Victorian Government school with the central office

This form should only be completed if you have a complaint about a Victorian Government School and you have already raised this complaint with the school and regional office.

If you have not raised your complaint with the regional office, you can do so via telephone on 1800 338 663 or via email at

If you require an interpreter, you can contact the National Translating and Interpreting Service by calling 131 450.

Who or what is your complaint about? *

Briefly explain the situation

It is important that you clearly tell us what occurred and what you are concerned about.

Do not use full names of staff or students or reveal any personal or health-related information in your explanation.

0/300 words
0/300 words
0/300 words
Have you already raised this issue with your school? *
0/300 words
Have you contacted the regional office? *
0/300 words
Would you like the Department to contact you about your concerns or feedback? *

By selecting no, this means you will not receive a response to your complaint. The Department will record the information provided and provide any feedback to the relevant Regional office.

Your contact details

You don’t have to provide us with your personal details. However, if you would like a response please provide your name and phone number or email address so we can contact you. We will only use this information to reply to your message.

How do you want to be contacted? *
Which of these best describes you? *
Are you or your children currently enrolled at the school? *
If you need help to contact us, please let us know.

Privacy Notice

Before you complete this online form, please read through our privacy consent notice. This explains how the Department of Education (Department) will handle personal information that is submitted via this online complaint form.

Read the full privacy consent notice

Data collected

Complaints received via this online form may include personal information such as name and contact details and information regarding the complaint and the school concerned. All information collected will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Data and Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (the PDP Act), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (the HR Act) and the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic).

Purpose and use of data collected

The primary purpose for collecting this information, via Formsite is to enable the school community to raise any complaints they may have regarding Victorian government schools. The information gathered will be used by the Department to contact you in relation to the complaint you have made. Information provided in the complaint will be used and disclosed for the purposes of working with schools and appropriate areas of the Department to try and resolve complaints and ensure that improvements are made to processes and systems.

Our learnings from your complaint may be disclosed in a de-identified manner to other public sector age’ncies to share those learnings and assist those agencies also. Complaints which may be of criminal in nature may be directed to Victoria Police. Some information you provide (the school and complaint type) may be used in a de-identified and aggregated form for DE reporting for internal reporting to identify where improvements can be made to processes and systems.

Means of collection and storage of data

The Formsite online platform will initially collect the complaint information, before the information is transferred to a restricted location on the Department’s SharePoint system. Only those involved in administering and assisting the complaint will have permission to access the complaint information in an identifiable form.

If colleagues in other agencies are provided information about your complaint to share the Department’s learning, this will only be done in a de-identified manner and sent securely. If your complaint information is required to be used and/or disclosed by law, then the Department will do so securely.

For further information on this statement, the complaints process or to request access and correction of personal information, contact

For more information, regarding access to personal information or DE’s handling of personal information please read DE’s Privacy Policy

For more information about FormSite please visit their Privacy Policy

By completing the school complaints form on Formsite you agree that you have read this data collection statement and consent to your information being collected by Formsite and for to DE to collect your information and use and disclose your personal information and other information you have provided in this school.

I have read and consent to the privacy consent notice *
I consent to my information being used to contact me in relation to the complaint submitted on this online complaint form *