πChapter President's Cup - The highest honor of the Greater Boston Chapter awards, recognizing an individual for outstanding leadership within the chapter or significant contributions to the community in safety.
πChapter Safety Professional of the Year (Spy) Award - The ASSP Chapter SPY award is an honor acknowledging the dedication and outstanding contributions of an ASSP Greater Boston Chapter Member.
πSafety Innovation Award - Recognizes innovative safety solutions, practices, or technologies that have made a substantial impact on workplace safety.
πLifeScience/Pharma Safety Excellence Award - Recognizing outstanding safety practices and initiatives within the life sciences and pharmaceutical sectors.
πConstruction Safety Excellence Award - Honoring exemplary safety programs and innovations within the construction industry that prioritize worker protection and accident prevention.
πThe Safety Sentinel Award - The Safety Sentinel Award honors an individual who exemplifies outstanding leadership and innovation in enhancing safety standards within the general industry sector.
πInstitutional Safety Leadership Award - Awarding institutions in healthcare and higher education for exemplary safety leadership, practices, and innovations that ensure the well-being of their staff, students, and patients.
πRising Star Award - This award honors an emerging professional whose ambition and contributions have significantly impacted the Chapter.