2021 GPLA Survey

We appreciate receiving feedback on Greater Pushaw Lake Association's programs and initiatives. We will keep your information private and will never share your email with anyone.  
How did you first learn about GPLA? *
Are you already a member of GPLA? *
If not a member already, may we send you membership information?
If a member, how do you receive the GPLA Newsletter *
Do you read the GPLA newsletter? *
If you read the GPLA newsletter, is it a useful resource for you? *
We are curious about newsletter delivery preferences as we consider options for the future. As an indication, would you ideally prefer to receive the GPLA newsletter: *
If maintaining good water quality on Pushaw Lake or Little Pushaw Pond is important to you, which reasons apply? *
Which of the following activities of the GLPA are you aware of? *
Please rank the top three GPLA activities in terms of their personal value to you as a lakeside resident. (Note: you may only select the top three -- marked as 1, 2, and 3) *
GPLA has a Facebook presence at www.facebook.com/GreaterPushawLakeAssociation. How often do you use this resource? *
GPLA has a website at www.greaterpushaw.org. How often do you use this resource? *
Are you a member of any of the following Pushaw Lake organizations? Please check all that apply
Would you be interested in finding out more about volunteering to support a GPLA activity? If so, select one or more areas below::
Would you be interested in finding out more about serving on the GPLA Board of Directors should an opening occur? *
Would you like someone to follow up with you regarding any of the ideas you submitted in this survey?
Thank you for providing GPLA with your feedback! 
Please remember to click the SUBMIT button below.
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