Refund Policy, Fees, and Term Limits

Refund policy
Cancellation policy
The transaction may not be canceled once it is processed.
Fees are subject to change.
Late Fee Policy
Current programs that fail to renew an application, submit a program annual report, or renew exemption by the expiration date will be considered late and accessed a late fee.
The current late fee is 15 % of the applicable membership, PAR, exemption, or accreditation fee.

Notice of Term Limits
Term limits are established for the beginning (start) through expiration (end) of all GAACS Services including 1) Membership term, 2) Religious Exempt Approval term, 3) Certification term, and 4) Accreditation term. Each term requires a new/renewal application, applicable nonrefundable fee, and submission of supporting documents. GAACS Educational programs must adhere to the term limits for continual compliance with the specific program of service.
Self Study Guide Term Limits
Each GAACS Application is valid for a specific period of time as listed on the application form.
The Self Study Guide process is extended for a specific period of time. To determine the specific timeframe of an Application or Self Study Guide please review the application instructions, self-study guide instructions, accreditation standards manual, exempt health and safety manual, GAACS policies and procedures, or contact GAACS office.