Silver Buckle Membership Application

We are happy that you are interested in joining Silver Buckle!  Please fill out the form completely and pay your membership fee with PayPal.  Choose "family and friends" when you pay with Paypal to avoid additional fees.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, your payment did not go through.  Please do not go to PayPal until you are ready to complete the payment.  Going backwards in PayPal or having an incomplete payment might result in receiving an inaccurate confirmation email.
You must complete your membership form by April 30th to be on the WSCA roster for this year.   The online membership form will close on April 30th at midnight.  


Type of Membership *
Do your family members have more than one last name? *
Are you able to receive club communications over text? *
Are you able to receive club communications by email? *

Member Age Classification

Members Age Classification as of Janurary 1, 2023 per WSCA Rules: 
            PeeWee:  10 years and Under               Senior:  18 to 34 years
            Junior: 11 to 13 years                                 Senior + :  35 to 49 years
            Intermediate:  14 to 17 years               Senior ++ : 50 years and over 

Year End Awards

Are you interested in competing for year end Awards? *
By choosing "Yes" above, you imply that you have read, understand, and agree to the new 2024 worker requirements attached below. There have been many changes to the work requirements this year. Have you read the worker requirements attached below? Please contact Kirstin or Crystal if you have any questions about the new requirements and look for a work requirement survey in your email. *

Second Family Member

Does this member want to receive club communications by text?
Does this member want to receive club communications by email?
Is this family member interested in competing for year-end awards, and, if yes, does this family member understand the work requirements? *
Do you want to add an additional family member to your membership? *

Third Family Member

Does this member want to receive club communications by text?
Does this member want to receive club communications by email?
Is this family member interested in competing for year-end awards and, if yes, does this family member understand the work requirements? *
Do you want to add an additional family member to your membership? *

Fourth Family Member

Does this member want to receive club communications by text?
Does this member want to receive club communications by email?
Is this family member interested in competing for year-end awards and, if yes, does this family member understand the work requirements? *
Do you want to add an additional family member to your membership? *

Fifth Family Member

Does this member want to receive club communications by text?
Does this member want to receive club communications by email?
Is this family member interested in competing for year-end awards and, if yes, does this family member understand the work requirements? *


Checkout Fee *
Current Total (Please press the calculate button to see your total):