2024 NVRA Convention Texas CSR Night Ticket

Please plan to join us for an evening celebration of Texas CSRs.  Not a member of NVRA?  No problem.  This is an event to shine the light on Texas CSRs!  Firm owners, court reporters, students - all are welcome to attend.  The event will be held at the Hilton Palacio Del Rio on Friday evening, July 12, 2024, 7:30-10:30pm. The event will include food, entertainment and a cash bar.

Purchase a ticket for this event.

Select vendor option(s).
If purchasing two tickets, please identify the second guest.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Select sponsorship option(s) from below or contact Kelly Evans at the NVRA office to discuss further options, 601-582-4345. Email: nvra@nvra.org.
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SWAG BAGS: Please consider donating items for our goodie bags! Favorite items include hand sanitizer, nail files, note pads, pens, candy or bottled water. Have something with your firm's name? Please provide 150 of any item for our goody bags.
Current Total: Click "Calculate" button for total amount due. After you sign this form and click "next" you will be taken to a payment pay to complete and pay for testing.