Application for NCRA Certified Members
Thank you for support of the National Verbatim Reporters Association - connecting court reporting, CART and captioning and other related professions.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Organization or Firm Name, If Applicable
Current NCRA Credentials (Example: RPR, RPM)
Upload copy of current membership card with credentials. NCRA membership and credentials must be current.
Address 1
Address 2
City or Province
Zip Code or Postal Code
Country if not in US.
Daytime Number - Best Number to Call for Questions Regarding Membership.
List up to five cities, states for NVRA's online Reporter Search. This is for NVRA's General, Honorary and Military members. List first city and state and then press "enter" for the next field.
Area(s) of practice or study. Check all that apply.
Court Reporter
CART Provider
Help us identify our members. Check all that apply.
State Official
Federal Official
Firm Owner
Membership Category
I am applying for membership in the following category. Please note that documentation of NCRA certification and proof of current membership and CEs is required.
Current NVRA Members Seeking Reciprocity ($50.00)
CVR-S (Certified Verbatim Reporter - Stenotype) ($275.00 - Includes one time transfer fee of $50.00)
CM-S (Merit Reporter -Stenotype) ($275.00 - Includes one time transfer fee of $50.00)
RVR-S (Realtime Verbatim Reporter - Stenotype) ($275.00 - Includes one time transfer fee of $50.00)
RVR-M-S (Realtime Verbatim Reporter - Master - Stenotype) ($275.00 - Includes one time transfer fee of $50.00)
CVR (Certified Verbatim Reporter - Tested by NCRA using voice method) ($275.00 - Includes one time transfer fee of $50.00)
Student ($75.00)
Optional Contributions
I wish to make a contribution to NVRA's Horace Webb Scholarship Fund. Please list amount here.
I wish to make a contribution to NVRA Legislative Fund. Please list amount here.
Total Dues and Contributions
Discount Code if Applicable.
Current Total: Click "Calculate" button for total amount due. After you sign this form and click "next" you will be taken to a payment pay to complete and pay for testing.