RBC-M or RCP-M Test Registration
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Best Contact Phone Number
Membership in NVRA is required in order to test. Please indicate your membership status here.
I am a current member of NVRA
I will join NVRA as a member in the section below.
Join NVRA Here.
Student Membership - $75.00 (not a working CART provider or Captioner)
General Membership - $225.00 (already working in the field)
RBC-M or RCP-M Testing Registration Options
Registered Broadcast Captioner (RBC-M) Remote Dictation, $235.00
Registered CART Provider (RCP-M) Remote Dictation, $235.00
Written Test (RBC-M) Remote Testing, $160.00
Written Test (RCP-M) Remote Testing, $160.00
RBC-M Written Test (on-site at location on a scheduled NVRA test date), $160.00
RCP-M Written Test (on-site at location on a scheduled NVRA test date), $125
Late Fee, if Registering after deadline date, $50.00
When would you like to take the remote skills test? Please give a range of availability. For example: I would like to take the skills test during the week of March 13-March 19. NVRA will contact you to schedule the exam. This information will help us in planning.
If registering for the Onsite Written Test, please indicate date and location where you will be testing.
Current Total: Click "Calculate" button for total amount due. After you sign this form and click "next" you will be taken to a payment pay to complete and pay for testing.
Will you be submitting a Medical Release Form? (This form indicates special medical needs required for testing accommodation.)
Yes, Complete Form and Submit directly to
Where did you receive your training?
School, Please List Program
School, Please List Program
NVRA generally publishes the names of our members who earn their certification in our eVoice newsletter and on social media pages. Please select "No" if you wish to be excluded.
Yes, OK to publish my name and credentials
No, Please do NOT publish my information
Check here to grant NVRA permission to release test scores to this email address. If "No" is marked, results will be mailed to the address provided.
Yes - I give permission to email scores
No - I prefer to have my scores mailed to me
Your signature here signifies that all statements provided on this statement are accurate and correct. You are also agreeing to abide by NVRA's rules regarding testing as stated in NVRA's Testing Rules, Policies and Procedures document found online at