Tickets for Spring Festival Concert - Tuesday, March 11

Please join us for our next concert of the year:

Tuesday, March 11th at 7:30 pm

First United Methodist Church, Pasadena

500 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 91101


We will also be live streaming the concert for those who cannot attend.

A link will be emailed to all parents before the concert date.

Your Information

A Note About Sponsorships

Before you buy tickets here, a reminder about sponsorships:
If you purchased a sponsorship through our online Family Order Form, your ticket allocations are as follows:
Platinum ($1,000): Six (6) adult tickets
Gold ($500): Four (4) adult tickets
Silver ($250): Two (2) adult tickets
Adult tickets may be used for students and children.
If your family sponsorship covers your ticket needs, there is no need to complete this form. Your tickets will be at Will Call under your sponsorship name.
If you didn't purchase a sponsorship, or if you need more tickets than allocated in your sponsorship, please complete the section below. Thank you.

Purchase Concert Tickets

Please enter the number of tickets you wish to purchase in each category below. Please note: There will be no refunds or exchanges for ticket purchases.
Current Total: 🛈

Finish & Pay

Please note that there are TWO steps to the ticketing process:
  1. Press NEXT to see a summary of your order. If you need to correct the order, click back and make your adjustments.

  2. Pay using PayPal
    When you have reviewed your order summary, click the "Continue to PayPal" link. You do not need a PayPal account; you may proceed as a guest and pay via credit/debit card. 

Verify you received TWO emails:

  • An email from "Formsite" with a summary of your order
  • An email from confirming your successful payment 
If you do not receive both emails it means we did not receive your payment. The emails may take a few minutes to process. Please check your spam/junk folders. 

If you have questions about your ticket purchase or are experiencing any issues with the website, contact us via email at

Secured by Formsite