$60 per student
6th grade dues fund the end of year class t-shirt, 6th grade track meet, year-end recognitions, Spring Fling raffle baskets and the four whole grade parties (Halloween, Holiday, Valentine and Year-end) including DJ/entertainment, pizza, snacks, decorations and supplies. Dues will also go toward offsetting the cost of the 6th grade trip.
TWO WAYS TO PAY: *Be sure to include Child's Name & Teacher's Name on all payments*
1. PAYPAL/CREDIT CARD- Pay online via PayPal / Credit Card by completing the form below (PayPal online transaction fees apply) (put Teacher Name & child's name)
3. CASH/CHECK - Send into the classroom in an envelope marked "PTO". Write teacher name / child name in notes section of check. *Please ask your child to give the envelope to their teacher! **Make checks payable to NES PTO** Do NOT complete the form below.
IMPORTANT: include teacher name / child name for ALL of your students in the memo.
Please complete your dues payment by September 30, 2023.
Questions? Contact nesptoboard@gmail.com.