Workers' Compensation Claim Submission Form
Date of Injury / Onset of Illness
Time Injury / Illness Occured
Time Employee Began Work
Unable to Work for at least one full day after date of injury?
Date last worked
Date returned to work
Check this box if still off work
Paid full days wages for date of injury or last day worked?
Salary being continued
Date of employers knowledge notice of injury / illness
Date employee was provided claim form?
Injury or Illness Information
Specific injury / illness and part of body affected, medical diagnosis if available, e.g. Second degree burns on right arm, tendonitis on left elbow, lead poisoining
Location where event or exposure occured (Number, Street, City, Zip)
On employers premises?
Other workers injured or ill in this event?
Equipment, materials and chemicals the employee was using when event or exposure occured
Specific activity the employee was performing when event or exposure took place, e.g. welding seams of metal forms, loading boxes onto truck
Specific activity the employee was performing when event or exposure took place, e.g. welding seams of metal forms, loading boxes onto truck
How injury / illness occured? Describe sequence of events, specify object or exposure which directly produced the injury / illness e.g. workers stepped back to inspect work and slipped on scrap material, as he fell he brushed against fresh weld, and burnt right hand. Use separate sheet if necessary.
Name and address of physician (number, street, city, zip)
Hospitalized as an inpatient overnight? If yes then, name and address of hospital (number, street, city, zip)
Employee treated in emergency room?
Employee Information
Employee name and Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Date of Hire
Home Address (Number, Street, City, Zip)
Occupation (Regular job title, No initials, abbreviations or numbers)
Employee Usually Works
Hours per day
Days per week
Total weekly hours
Employment Status
Regular Full Time
Part Time
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