Tell Us About Yourself

Fill out your details below, and we'll get you your water bottle when you arrive to campus in the spring!
Let us know what you're interested in learning more about, and we'll follow up with details: *
Please rate your satisfaction with the following areas: *
 Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery DissatisfiedCan't Rate
Availability of campus programming
Clubs and organizations
Your residence hall
Academic advisors
The overall academic experience
Fall orientation
Overall sense of community among students
Your fall classes
First-year seminar (TIDES/COLQ)
The overall social scene
Since starting at Tulane, how often have you felt: *
 Most of the timeSome of the timeSeldomNever
Encouraged by faculty
Unsafe on campus
Lonely or homesick
Valued by the university
Satisfied with your academics
Isolated from campus life
Since starting at Tulane, how has it been to: *
 Very EasySomewhat EasySomewhat DifficultVery Difficult
Understand what professors expect of you academically
Adjust to the academic demands of college
Find a friend group with common interests
Develop effective study skills
Find campus resources when you need them
Connect with your professors
Develop close friendships with other students
Manage your time effectively
As you enter the spring semester, what is your level of concern for the following areas: *
Deciding on a career path
College level math
Being away from home
Deciding on a major or academic path
Finding a friend group
Communicating with professors
Ability to finance your college education
Managing your time well
College level writing
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