Thank you for your interest in proposing a First-Year Seminar. Proposals should include a syllabus for review by the Newcomb-Tulane College Curriculum Committee. Syllabi should be built using the Tulane University Syllabus Template.
Seminar faculty are responsible for educating students on the academy and its expectations, connecting course content to the community, and serving as faculty mentors to new students. Faculty also work with an upper-class First-Year Seminar Peer Mentor as they help incoming students make their academic and social transition to Tulane. Course content should be interdisciplinary, current, and include all programmatic learning outcomes, which can be found in the Faculty Guidebook.
We welcome a diversity of topics and look forward to your submissions.


I would like my syllabus to be considered for a Connolly Alexander Institute for Data Science (CAIDS) TIDES Grant. * 🛈


Prior to submission, review the program anchors in the Faculty Guidebook. In a sentence or two, summarize your initial plan to incorporate the following anchors - or learning outcomes - into your course content:


In addition to the usual payment for TIDES courses, the Connolly Alexander Institute for Data Science (CAIDS) is providing additional payment to instructors to create new TIDES courses that incorporate data literacy, data management, data visualization, data cleaning, or data analysis.
CAIDS will provide $1,000 for the creation of a new TIDES courses that focuses primarily on data, or $500 for a new TIDES course that includes a module on data that is equal to at least 20% of the course content. CAIDS is dedicated to cultivating a comprehensive understanding of data science concepts and methodologies among the Tulane community
For more information on the eligibility criteria, including a detailed discussion of what course content counts as “data,” please see CAIDS TIDES Grants Information. If you have any questions about CAIDS or this additional funding, please contact Executive Director of CAIDS, Patrick Button (