Welcome to Team Tupper mates Secure online Tupperware store!

Thank you so much for ordering, below you will find space to fill in with the number of items of what you like to order, this will simplify the process. also remember there will be 10% of total product ordered plus $4.50 for handling and direct shipping and tax added to your order.

Fall Catalog

Purchas with Purchase only $12 with $40 Order from Fall Catalog
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Remember there will be 10% of total product ordered plus $4.50 for handling and direct shipping and tax Rate of 7.375 added to your order.

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Also remember there will be 10% of total product ordered plus $4.50 for handling and direct shipping and tax added to your order

once you sumit your order you will recieve an E-mail with your invoice of that you ordered along with my contact informaion. Once again thank you for shopping with me.

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