Beaumont School Summer Enrichment Opportunities
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student's Birthdate
Student's School
Campus International School
Communion of Saints
Corpus Christi Academy
E Prep
Holy Name Elementary
Mater Dei Academy
Our Lady of the Lake
Ruffing Montessori
Saint Paschal Baylon
St. Dominic
St. Adalbert
St. Aloysius-St. Agatha
St. Barnabas
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Rita
Ss. Robert and William
Urban Community School
Student's Grade (Fall 2025)
Other (Please type in the name of your Child's school)
Health Concerns and/or Allergies?
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Cell Phone Number of Parent Contact
E-Mail Address of Parent Contact
Has your child previously attended a Beaumont Enrichment event?
Student Address (For seasonal mailings from Beaumont School)
Did Mother or Grandmother graduate from Beaumont School?
Please provide information for ONE alumnae relative:
First and Last Name
Graduation Year (ex: 1997)
Relation (Mother/Grandmother)
Medical Release
I hereby authorize the camp director to act for me according to her best judgement in any emergency requiring medical attention for my daughter. I release the camp instructors, director and Beaumont School of all liability for any illness or injury incurred while at or in transit to and from camp.
Photo Consent
This application authorizes Beaumont School, its agents and employees to use the photographic images or likenesses of the enrolled child for the use and benefit of Beaumont School in its publications, marketing and promotional materials.
Beaumont Summer HSPT Offerings
HSPT Mastery Class For Rising 8th Grade Students - CLASS & TEST
Attention B Global Campers! Extend your day and join us after B Global to prep for the High School Placement Test (HSPT). HSPT test book will be provided along with tips for test preparation and a scored, official version of the HSPT. Bring a packed lunch to eat between camp and HSPT class. The official test will be administered on Monday, June 23
Monday - Friday June 9-13 1PM - 3PM - Mastery Class sessions.
Monday, June 23 12:30pm - 3:30pm - Official Test administered.
HSPT 5 Day - $240 - June 9 - 13, June 23
HSPT Test For Rising 8th Grade Students - TEST ONLY
Monday, June 23 12:30pm - 3:30pm - Official Test administered. - $20
HSPT Official Test - 12:30pm - 3:30pm - Monday, June 23 - $20
HSPT Mastery One-Day Prep Class for Rising 8th Grade Students
Tuesday, August 12 9am-3pm. Join us for a High School Placement Test (HSPT) prep class. HSPT test book will be provided along with tips for test preparation. Please bring a packed lunch.
HSPT 1 Day - $195 - Tuesday, August 12
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