Nexus-Gerard Online Pledge Form

Thank you for supporting local nonprofits, programs, and people.

Make a Difference

Select a donation method: *

Payroll Deduction

At what frequency would you like your donation deducted? *
Total annual donation amount (click 'calculate'):
Total annual donation amount (click 'calculate'):
I hereby authorize my employer to deduct this amount from my paycheck for United Way of Mower County, Inc. to begin after January 1. Sign here:  *


$100 minimum required for billing
Would you like to be billed one-time or quarterly? *

Cash or Check

Mail to:
United Way of Mower County
PO Box 605
Austin, MN 55912
Drop off at:
United Way of Mower County
111 Main St N #202
Austin, MN 55912

Credit Card

Click the following link to donate securely online by credit card:
Please indicate "Nexus-Gerard" in the "Employer" field
Check the box below once you have completed the credit card transaction at the link above: *

Optional Preferences

I would like my gift to remain anonymous: