Chesapeake Bay Pearl Girl, Vantel Pearls Order Form

Use this form to get in the lineup to open an oyster during the party. Tune into my Facebook page, Chesapeake Bay Pearl Girl, ( ) when I go Live to see me open the oyster and reveal your pearl.
Shipping Times are currently 4-5 weeks due to the Covid 19 virus.  Thank you for your patience.
Shipping (choose One) *
Must click tax box.  If selecting Direct Shipping, your tax will be based on the state tax where you live, so your final total may be different depending on your state's tax rate.
Must Click Calculate
Order Total (including 5.30% tax (Virginia) and shipping). This amount may vary depending on the shipping option you select and state tax where you live.  You will be charged the day you open oysters.
Sign here *
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Once you have submitted your order, please return to the live video on Facebook to open your oyster!
Chesapeake Bay Pearl Girl