ACCB 2024: Call for Proposals for Lunchtime Training Courses

ACCB 2024 Call for Lunchtime Training Courses

The Society for Conservation Biology Africa Region is excited to host the 4th Africa Congress for Conservation Biology (ACCB) at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, in Moshi, Tanzania, from October 19-21, 2024. 
ACCB is accepting proposals for workshops, training courses, roundtable discussions and symposia through 26 June 2024
Use this form to submit your proposal for a lunchtime training course. You can find the proposal submission forms for symposia and for lunchtime workshops and roundtable discussions on the ACCB 2024 website
Please Note: ACCB 2024 follows a "One Proposal" rule, which means you may submit one proposal total across all categories (symposia and lunchtime workshops, training courses, and roundtable discussions).

ACCB Lunchtime Training Courses
ACCB training courses are 60-minutes in length. Training Courses provide opportunities for registered delegates to receive expert-led education and training on topics relevant for biodiversity conservation, including strategy, capacity building and project management. 
You can find important ACCB information and deadlines on our website
Questions? Please email

We assume that as the submitter of this proposal for a lunchtime training course that you are also the primary organizer of the training course. 

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Author Registration Deadline
In order to be included in the ACCB 2024 scientific program, all organizers of accepted proposals must be registered and paid in full by the ACCB early bird registration deadline. Authors failing to comply with this rule will not be included in the congress program.

Please check the below box to indicate you are aware of the policy related to registration.
Financial Support
It is the responsibility of organizers of ACCB symposia and lunchtime sessions (workshops, training courses, and roundtable discussions) and all presenters at ACCB to obtain funding for their own expenses to register and attend the Congress.

SCB and the ACCB Organizing Committee are not responsible for obtaining funds to support speaker travel to the meeting and cannot guarantee that any support will be available. All speakers must register for the conference.

Please check the below box to indicate you have informed invited speakers or invited participants that SCB/ ACCB will not provide funding to support speaker travel. *
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