Brooks Rehab Hospital Trip Reservation Request Form
JAX Care Reservation Form
Same Day Transports Will Be Call Confirmed Upon Recieving This Request.
Transports Other Than Same Day Will Be Call Confirmed The Day Prior
And Also By Driver When Enroute For Pickup. Please Provide The Proper Phone
Number To Enable This Confirmation and Avoid No-Show At The Door Charges.
Gender *
Type of Transport *

Estimate Your Transport Charge - Not For Billing Purposes or Charge To Patient. Estimate Only-Accurate Calculation Computed by Dispatch System According to Shortest Route Available

Wheelchair(or ambulatory) or Stretcher *
Are the number of miles one way........ *
Number of Miles if origination or destination point is in metro Jacksonville. Fill in box with round miles, no decimals or partial miles. * 🛈
Number of Miles if origination or destination point is in metro Jacksonville. Fill in box with round miles, no decimals or partial miles. * 🛈
Number of Miles if origination or destination point is in metro Jacksonville. Fill in box with round miles, no decimals or partial miles. * 🛈
Number of Miles if origination or destination point is in metro Jacksonville. Fill in box with round miles, no decimals or partial miles. * 🛈
Is This Trip One Way or Round Trip, return can be scheduled by phone at appointment *
Current Total Estimate:
Who is paying for trip? *


Pickup Location *
Pickup City *


Dropoff City *
Trip Details *
Wheelchair or Stretcher? *
Wheelchair needs to come with Driver? *
Special Assistance - JaxCare is Non-Medical, for patients with medical conditions such as Ventilator a medical attendant may be necessary. *
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