Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Rebate

Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC) will rebate for up to $500 of the installation cost of an Electric Vehicle charging unit. Members must be enrolled in either: Electric Vehicle Storage Rate or the Time of Use Rate.

*If EV Charger was purchased at www.energywisemnstore.com, the rebate was taken off the purchase price and is not eligible for any additional rebates.

Member Information

Member Type *
By signing this application, I certify that the Electric Vehicle (EV) charger is installed at the address listed above which represents a valid Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative account. Rebates are available for the installation of a EV charging unit between January 1, 2024- December 31, 2024.
Member Signature *

Electric Vehicle Information

Please check which Electric Vehicle charging rate you have enrolled in *
Level of Charger *
Did this rebate or charging rate influence you in your purchase of an EV?

Contractor Information


• Rebates for up to, but not to exceed $500 for the installation cost of any Electric Vehicle charging unit.
• Electric Vehicle charger must be installed within Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative’s service territory.
• Must be enrolled in the EV Storage Rate or the EV Time of Use Rate.
• Must use a state-certified electrician to install the charging unit.
• Incomplete forms will not be processed.
• Must include installation invoice from your electrician with completed rebate form.
• Rebate program is subject to change or cancel without notice.
• Submit completed rebate form and a copy of the original sales receipt within 90 days of purchase.
• Rebate credits under $100 will be applied to the member's account.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.