By signing below the Landlord agrees to the following terms for electric service to any or all
rental properties:
As a Member: The Landlord understands that he/she will be treated as a Member/Owner and
have all membership rights and obligations, and earn capital credits. The following rules apply:1. Complete a Membership Application
2. Responsible for any required deposits
3. Will earn Capital Credits
4. Responsible for any/all charges or expenses related to the electric service
5. By signing below, you the landlord, is giving consent for Todd-Wadena Electric
Cooperative to have communication with any renter residing at the properties listed
on the following page(s); in regards to billing, outages, disconnection or quality of
As a Non-Member: The Landlord relinquishes any membership rights and obligations and will
not earn capital credits. The following rules will apply:
1. Each Renter must complete a Membership Application and pay the appropriate
deposit (based on the credit of the applicant) to the Cooperative before service will
be transferred into the Renter’s name. A signature from the landlord will be required on
the Member Application.
2. The Landlord is responsible for all charges through the date the account is transferred.
3. If the Renter fails to complete the requirements of the membership, the Landlord will
be required to be the Member and be responsible for the above.
4. Once the Cooperative is notified a Renter has vacated the property, the electric
service will be automatically transferred back to the Landlord’s name.
*The Cooperative will not be liable for damages incurred at the property due to renter(s) or Landlord(s)
not acting upon a disconnect notice.
* Nothing contained within this Electric Service Billing Agreement will alter the contractual obligations of
the Landlord and Tenant.