ICoD Endorsed Event Application

Each year, ICoD endorses a select group of international activities that advance our objective to promote the value of design. Endorsed events demonstrate that they enhance the standards of design, ethics and professional practice. For design awards, an ICoD endorsement is recognition that it has been organised to meet international best practice guidelines under ICoD’s policies and best practices – including jury composition, evaluation criteria and intellectual property protection.
Please complete the following application form to provide us with essential details about your request. All submissions will be reviewed carefully, and we may reach out for further clarification if needed.
Use these links to find out more about the Endorsement fees and assesment criteria.

contact information

In the section below, please enter the details of the person completing the Member Event request form. This person will be contacted if any clarification or further information is required.

event images

BELOW: Example of Event Page on ICoD Website

Below: Example of types of secondary images


event description

Dates and Deadlines
Please specify all dates and/or deadlines that are relevant to your Event.

0/250 words
0/700 words

event links

Are there any other links that are relevant to your Event? Submit up to 3 additional links below.
(ex. links to Registration or Submission pages, Juror’s bios, an important article/interview about last year’s Event in the same name, etc.)

social media

application for endorsement

By checking this box, I confirm that this event/project abides by the Council’s Best Practices and aligns with its values and objectives. I understand that endorsement is subject to approval and that a relevant fee must be paid for the endorsement to be published.
