Measure U Grant Application

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Town of Mammoth Lakes Measure U Grant. Mammoth Lakes Recreation works closely with the Town of Mammoth Lakes to support programs designed to enhance sustainable recreation, arts, culture, and mobility within the community.

Before completing this application, review the Application Guide.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm on the last Friday of January.

All complete applications submitted by the deadline that meet eligibility requirements will be reviewed.

Application reviews will be held in Suite Z at the Town Offices (437 Old Mammoth Rd./Above Vons Starbucks). The review meetings are open to the public. Applicants are encouraged to attend and will be allotted 5 minutes to speak with the review panel. Special Project applications submitted after the last Friday in January, will be reviewed as soon as the schedules of the review committee allow.

2025 Application Reviews will be Thursday, February 13 from 8:30 - 11:30 and Tuesday, February 18 from 8:30 - 11:30.

We look forward to working with you throughout this application process. Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions: 760-660-4948 or

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Contact Information
Are the Business address and Mailing address the same? *Grant agreements will be sent to the mailing address listed here. Please verify it is correct to avoid any delay in payment. *
Would you like a copy of your application emailed to you? *
Program Information
Describe how the program aligns with MLR's Guiding Principles (Public Benefit, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Stewardship) to enhance the community of Mammoth Lakes. Click HERE for detailed description of MLR's Guiding Priciples. 
Deliverables for this Program
Please list concise and measurable program deliverables in one to two sentences.  (S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) *You will need to state how each deliverable has been met when completing Progress and Performance Reports.
Do you have additional Deliverables? *
Do you have additional Deliverables?
How many program participants are anticipated for this year?
Does this program require any special permits or permissions from TOML, USFS, Mono County, private citizens, or any other entity? *
Is there a cost to participate in the program? *
Are scholarships available? *
Program Budget
Funding Request is for * 🛈
Funding Request per Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Funding Request
One Year

Upload the program budget here.
*This is the anticipated budget for the performance period you are applying for (July - June).
*This is the budget specifically for the Measure U funded program(s) within your organization.
*You will have the opportunity to upload your organization's overall budget below.

Please itemize the Measure U expenses and required match. (Two decimal places)
*Review match requirements in the Application Guide.
*If applying for three-year funding, please list only year one expenses.
*Documentation will be required for Progress and Performance Reports (reciept, timecard, invoice, payroll, etc.).
Expense 1:
Expense 2:
Expense 3:
Expense 4:
Expense 5:

Total Expense:
Total Measure U: 🛈
Total Cash Match:
Total In-Kind:
Total Cash Match + In-Kind:
STOP! The amount of Measure U Funding awarded must be matched 1:1 with Cash Match and In-kind. In-kind may not be greater than 50% of the match.

Financial Information
Please attach the following financial documents: