Annual Application for Approved Multi-Year Programs
This form is for programs that have been awarded Multi-Year Measure U Grant Funding and are entering Year 2 or Year 3 of the three-year Multi-Year Funding Award. Reporting requirements for prior years must be met in order to receive committed funds.

Save & Return

Use an account to return to saved work.

Contact Information
Are the Business address and Mailing address the same? *Grant agreements will be sent to the mailing address listed here. Please verify it is correct to avoid any delay in payment. *
Would you like a copy of your application emailed to you? *
Program Information
Deliverables for this Program
Please list concise and measurable program deliverables in one to two sentences.  (S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) *You will need to state how each deliverable has been met when completing Progress and Performance Reports.
0/1000 characters
0/1000 characters
0/1000 characters
Do you have additional Goals/Deliverables? *
Do you have additional Goals/Deliverables?
How many program participants are anticipated for this year?
Are all special permits, permissions, insurance and requirements of this program still in-place and current? *

Program Budget

Upload the program budget here.
*This is the anticipated budget for the performance period you are applying for (July - June).
*This is the budget specifically for the Measure U funded program(s) within your organization.
*You will have the opportunity to upload your organization's overall budget below.

Please itemize the Measure U expenses and required match. (Two decimal places)
*Review match requirements in the Application Guide.
*Documentation will be required for Progress and Performance Reports (reciept, timecard, invoice, payroll, etc.).
Expense 1:
Expense 2:
Expense 3:
Expense 4:
Expense 5:

Total Expense:
Total Measure U: 🛈
Total Cash Match:
Total In-Kind:
Total Cash Match + In-Kind:
STOP! The amount of Measure U Funding awarded must be matched 1:1 with Cash Match and In-kind. In-kind may not be greater than 50% of the match.

Financial Information
Please attach the following financial documents: