Margolin Hebrew Academy Leach Early Childhood Information Forms 2024-2025

Child/Family information


Emergency contacts

Relationship to child *
Relationship to child *


Does your child require aftercare from 2:00-3:45/M-Th and 2:00-3:00/Fri? (This question pertains to Pre-K students only)

Medical Information

Does your child have any allergies? *
Does your child have asthma? *
Has your child ever received any intervention services? (i.e. speech therapy, early intervention, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, play therapy, or academic supports) *
I give my permission for MHA to contact my child's medical provider(s) in the event of an emergency: *

Transportation Information

I give permission for the following people to pick my child after school:

Additional Information

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Tennessee Department of Education Rules for Childcare and agree to accept and adhere to the policies and procedures. *
I acknowledge that I have received and read the Parent Handbook from the Early Childhood Director and agree to accept and adhere to the policies and procedures. *
The faculty/ staff assigned responsibility for the care and education of my child has permission to access my child’s health records. *
I give permission for my child's photograph, digital or video recording, likeness, or artwork to be used in featured publications, web pages, or social media sites. Circulation of the materials could be worldwide and there will be no compensation to me or my child for the use. *
I give consent for my child to participate in the Child Protection Unit led by the Early Childhood Staff I understand that this unit is a requirement made by the TN Department of Education and will focus on concepts such as personal safety, appropriate touching, and reporting a problem to a grown up. *
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