***If you are filling out this form in the PCS App, stop!  Go to the bottom of your screen (if you are using an iPhone) and click on the box with an arrow icon (furthest to the right).  Choose "Open in Safari" or "Open in Chrome and fill it out on a web browser.  The Blackboard App is experiencing issues with uploads***
Home is the first point of the screening continuum.  PCS will educate and support families on identifying the symptoms that indicate students and staff must stay at home.  Families should self-report symptoms of illness, which could include fever, new-onset cough, etc.
Please only complete this form if you are reporting COVID symptoms, test results, or other COVID situations. If you have zero symptoms, zero exposure, and zero reasons to isolate, please do not complete this form.
Please complete this form as soon as symptoms are experienced.  Results may be uploaded at a later date on this same form.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms of illness to be reported: *

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