City of Milwaukee Commercial Revitalization Grants Application

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Contact Information

Commercial Corridor Team
809 N Broadway, Room 104
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 286-8201


Commercial corridors are the windows to our neighborhoods and can play a significant role in improving neighborhood perception and quality of life. Commercial corridors are the major arterials that connect neighborhoods and are the first glimpse people experience when entering into residential areas. They are comprised of nodes and clusters of commercial buildings and businesses. When we imagine healthy neighborhoods, we think of well kept storefronts filled with businesses that offer the community and surrounding area places to shop, eat, work and play.

The goal of the Commercial Revitalization Grant Program is to assist and incentivize the enhancement of commercial properties and storefronts in Milwaukee’s commercial corridors. The grants are intended to eliminate blight, enhance building aesthetics, and activate the public realm by assisting businesses in achieving higher quality storefronts to attract customers and improve neighborhood perceptions.

Ineligible Projects

Ineligible Properties Ineligible Uses/Modifications
• Tax exempt properties
• Properties in receivership or with tax delinquency, condemnation orders or zoning issues.
• Applicants with other delinquent property taxes
• Properties not located on publicly visible commercial corridors
• Exclusively residential properties or routine maintenance work unless part of a larger improvement
• New construction projects shall be considered on a case by case basis
• Grant funds cannot be used to fix property damage covered by insurance
• Grant funds cannot be used solely to correct outstanding building code violations
• Home-based businesses
• Religious Assembly
• Certain business types, including national franchises*, liquor stores, payday loan providers, and others.
• Non-public and non-profit uses
• External Security Gates or Bars on windows or doors
• Internally Lit Cabinet Signs
• Internal work for alcohol-focused businesses.
• Tinted, Reflective or Non-Transparent Window Treatments or Glazing
• Grant funds cannot be used to conduct roof repair work
• Applicants who have received an award in the previous 12 months are ineligible to receive a grant of the same type previously awarded
• Projects located in tax parcels within which projects have received a grant award in the previous 12 months, unless waived for specific grants.
*National franchises are defined as operating under substantially the same name in three or more states, regardless of ownership structure regarding the individual entities

Application and Approval Process

Individuals interested in applying for the Commercial Revitalization Grant program should first contact the Commercial Corridor Team (CCT) to discuss their project. Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed by the Business Resource Committee once a month. A completed application package is due a minimum of two weeks prior to the committee meeting. CCT staff will review complete applications and score them using the rubric below (based on the criteria for consideration listed a two sections down in this application). Applications may be denied, or award amount reduced, based on alignment with the Criteria of Consideration or if insufficient program funding is available.




Priority may be given to projects within Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Areas Target Investment Neighborhoods, Business Improvement Districts, Neighborhood Improvement Districts, Tax Increment Districts, and Commercial Corridors with significant blight or storefront vacancies

Activation of the Street

Projects must visibly improve public-facing facades, address blight, or enhance the exterior of the building.

Funding Need

Applicants must demonstrate that the grant enables improvements that would otherwise not occur and leverages additional investments.


Projects must comply with city codes, use quality materials, and enhance the property’s appearance. Approval from Historic Preservation or Architectural Review Boards is required where applicable.

Community Impact

Projects must contribute to the neighborhood well-being, address unmet needs, or support corridor growth. Evidence of community or Business Improvement Development (BID) support is encouraged.

Compliance and Reimbursement Guidelines

Beginning Project
Applicants must wait for the application to be approved before making any payments towards, or starting work on, grant eligible expenses. Payments made or work started before approval shall be ineligible for reimbursement. Grant approval does not guarantee that presented work meets all permitting codes and zoning ordinances. Applicants and their contractors are responsible for obtaining all required permits, approvals and licenses. Contractors should have the appropriate licenses and qualifications for the work they are performing.
Changes to Project or Contractors
Once approved by the Business Resource Committee, applicants can begin work on their project. All grant awardees MUST obtain approval from CCT staff for any changes to the contractors or project details that were submitted in the application. CCT staff reserves the right to refuse reimbursement in part, or in whole, for unauthorized changes. Awardees should ensure they, or their contractors, have secured all the necessary permits for their project. Grants may be terminated for non-permitted work.
Grant Extensions
All grant awardees have up to 9 months to complete their projects from the date of committee approval. Unanticipated events or situations may result in a longer project. In certain circumstances, awardees may apply for grant extensions; however, they must do so prior to the expiration of the grant and demonstrate significant progress at the time of request. Staff reserve the right to terminate grants based on the time limits if the project has not shown significant progress or the awardee has become non-responsive.
Upon completion of the project, staff will visit the site of the project to inspect the work. Awardees must submit copies of invoices AND proof of payment for each invoice to demonstrate that they have met all the required matching expenditure amounts. Copies of posted checks or bank statements are acceptable forms of Proof of Payment. Lien waivers cannot be used as proof of payment. Cash payments are not allowed.
Once the work is confirmed and the necessary documents have been submitted, please allow up to 45 days for the reimbursement to occur.

Criteria for Consideration

Priority may be given to projects within Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Areas, Target Investment Neighborhoods, Business Improvement Districts, Neighborhood Improvement Districts, Tax Increment Districts, and Commercial Corridors with significant blight or storefront vacancies.
Activation of the Street
Projects must visibly improve public-facing facades, address blight, or enhance the exterior of the building.
Funding Need
Applicants must demonstrate that the grant enables improvements that would otherwise not occur and leverages additional investments.
Projects must comply with city codes, use quality materials, and enhance the property’s appearance. Approval from Historic Preservation or Architectural Review Boards is required where applicable.

Community Impact
Projects must contribute to the neighborhood well-being, address unmet needs, or support corridor growth. Evidence of community or Business Improvement Development (BID) support is encouraged.

Grant Category Descriptions

Signage Grant

The City's Signage Grant program provides financial and business assistance to business owners interested in creating well designed signage or updating their signage to current design standards. The program was established by DCD to increase the physical appearance of Milwaukee’s commercial areas. This incentive will offer reimbursable grant funds up to $2,500. The grant may not exceed 50% of the total eligible project costs.

More information on signage regulations here and signage permits here. This grant funding cannot be used for Type B signs as described in the signage regulations.

Facade Grant

The City's Façade Grant program provides financial and business assistance to businesses and commercial property owners interested in renovating the street facing facades of their building. The program was established by DCD to increase the physical appearance of Milwaukee’s commercial areas. This incentive will offer reimbursable grant funds up to $5,000. The grant may not exceed 50% of the total eligible project costs.

A separate Façade Grant may be considered for buildings on a corner lot where more than one building face abuts a public street.

Storefront Activation Grant

The Storefront Activation Grant is designed to provide targeted financial incentives to increase the vitality of the neighborhood commercial corridors. The funds will assist in recruiting new businesses to vacant commercial/retail tenant spaces in commercial buildings. Eligible projects must involve vacant space. An expansion of an existing business into vacant or underutilized space may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Reimbursement may be withheld if an ineligible tenant or end user has been secured for projects that involve renovation of a commercial space with no end user initially identified.

The Storefront Activation Grant will make available a new business development incentive to commercial building owners and developers. This incentive will offer reimbursable grant funds up to $10 per square foot with a maximum grant in the amount of $25,000. The grant may not exceed 50% of the total eligible project costs. Maximum grant award amount may be increased for proposals involving the use of City-owned real estate.

The Storefront Activation Grant cannot be combined with the Retail Investment Fund.

Retail Investment Fund

The Retail Investment Fund (RIF) is limited to funding retail development projects, located in neighborhood business districts. These businesses cannot be home-based.

The size of a RIF grant is determined by the size of the project, private investment, and job creation. The grant amount is calculated as the lesser of $5,000 per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) job created or 20% of eligible costs. In either case, the maximum grant allowed through the RIF program is $50,000. A start-up business will be considered to create at least one full-time equivalent or FTE job (the entrepreneur) as well as any additional jobs. The expansion of an existing business shall be fundable only if additional jobs, beyond those in existence at the time of application, are created by the grantee.

The RIF program is a reimbursement program. The grantee will be reimbursed for eligible pre-approved grant related expenses. Grant funds cannot be disbursed until all conditions of the grant contract have been fulfilled, including job creation.

The Retail Investment Fund cannot be combined with the Storefront Activation Grant.

Which grants for exterior work are you applying for? (please mark all that apply).
Your selections here will determine what application materials are required below.
Which grants for interior work are you applying for? (RIF and Storefront Activation grants cannot be combined, you can only select one).
Your selections here will determine what application materials are required below.

Applicant Information

Information on the person applying for and receiving the grant funds.
Are you the head of the household? *
Race/Ethnicity (check all that apply) *

Project Information

Where will the improvements be made?

Property Owner Information

Do you own the property where these improvements will be made? *
Type of Ownership *

Business/Occupant Information

Who will be the end user of the space?
Has the final user of the space been confirmed? *
What type of business are you applying for? *
Will this business sell alcohol or alcoholic beverages?

Grant Selection

Form fields will appear here once you have selected the grants you are applying for.
Signage Enhancements
 Description of Materials and ActivitiesCost from Quote 1Cost from Quote 2Estimated time to complete
Sign Fabrication
External Lighting Fixtures
Electrical Work
Contractor Fee
Grant Calculation:
In addition to this form, please include:
        Renderings or drawings of the proposed sign
        Official quotes from two licensed and bonded contractors detailing the above costs
We also recommend that you contact the development center to obtain a sign permit before starting your project to ensure your sign meets City guidelines. This may help to prevent losses resulting from signs that do not meet City codes.
Façade Enhancements
 Description of Materials and ActivitiesCost from Quote 1Cost from Quote 2Estimated time to complete
Major Façade Alterations
Window Improvements
Lighting improvements (eligible if part of a larger project)
Landscaping (eligible if part of a larger project)
Fencing (eligible if part of a larger project)
Contractor Fee
Grant Calculation:
*A separate Façade Grant may be considered for buildings on a corner lot, where more than one façade abuts a public street.
In addition to this form, please include:
Renderings, elevations or drawings of the proposed façade improvements
Official quotes from two licensed and bonded contractors detailing the above costs
Storefront Activation
 Description of Materials and ActivitiesCost from Quote 1Cost from Quote 2Estimated time to complete
Interior Walls
Electrical Work
Contractor Fee
Grant Calculation:
In addition to this form, please include:
Renderings, drawings or floor plans of the proposed storefront activation improvements
Official quotes from two licensed and bonded contractors detailing the above costs
Retail Investment Fund
 Description of Materials and ActivitiesCost from Quote 1Cost from Quote 2Estimated time to complete
Architecture & Engineering
Purchase of Furniture, Fixture and Equipment (FF&E)
Start-Up Inventory
Grant Calculation:
For Existing Business Expansion

For Start Up Businesses

Bank and Equity Documentation

Project Uses and Sources

Project Uses
(Please calculate your estimated total project costs. Please note that not all costs are eligible for our grant programs.)
Current Total:
Project Sources
(How will the project be paid for? List 0 if no source of that type is being used)

Conflicts of Interest

Are you or any of your partners, Board Members, investors, or other persons directly and meaningfully affiliated with your company -- and/or this project -- an employee of the City of Milwaukee, the Department of City Development (DCD), or one of its affiliate agencies?
Are you or any of your partners, Board Members, investors, or other persons directly and meaningfully affiliated with your company -- and/or this project -- married to an employee of the City of Milwaukee including DCD or one of its affiliate agencies?
Are you or any of your partners, Board Members, investors, or other persons directly and meaningfully affiliated with your company -- and/or this project -- the brother, sister, parent or child of an employee of the City of Milwaukee, DCD, or one of its affiliate agencies?

Narrative Questions


Please initial under each statement to acknowledge your understanding:
Do you authorize DCD to post photos and descriptions of the work at your business on DCD social media? *

Application Checklist and Supplementary Materials

Complete this online application, or contact CCT for a paper copy

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