2024 Fresh Food Access Fund Application

DEADLINE: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 4 pm

Applications must be completed electronically though this Formsite application and must include all required supplemental materials. Applications that arrive after 4 pm Monday, May 27, 2024 will not be evaluated.

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The Milwaukee Fresh Food Access Fund (FFAF) aims to financially support activities that increase the access of underserved communities to healthy food choices, partner with community organizations, businesses, and other government entities with a fresh food component, and address the issues identified in the Milwaukee Fresh Food Access Report.

Eligible projects

The FFAF provides 1:1 matching grants to projects that advance one or more of the following strategies:

  • Attract grocery stores and mobile market stops to underserved neighborhoods
  • Develop other retail outlets in underserved neighborhoods as sources of fresh foods
  • Increase the stock of fresh foods in corner stores
  • Increase the amount of locally grown food that is available to Milwaukee consumers
  • Meet the fresh food needs of populations with special dietary requirements
  • Improve transportation to grocery stores and farmer’s markets for individuals who live in underserved areas

Eligible uses of Fresh Food Access Fund grants

FFAF grants may only be used for capital expenditures related to the establishment, expansion, or improvement of a food-related business that increases access to fresh, healthy food for underserved residents.  For example, the following could be considered eligible uses:

  • Purchase of equipment to store and/or prepare healthy food
  • Purchase of furniture, fixtures, and start-up inventory for a healthy food business
  • Build-out of space to house or expand a food retail or production operation
  • Purchase of vehicles to transport healthy food
  • Improvements to the exterior and signage of a fresh food retail operation
  • Construction or equipment activities related to community gardens
  • Soft costs that are specifically necessary to carry out another eligible use of funds

Eligible applicants

Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit organizations with current 501(c)3 registration with the

US Internal Revenue Service, and for-profit businesses. Other types of entities may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Previous FFAF awardees with open FFAF grant awards are eligible to apply for funding through this application process. If awarded as a part of this process, previous FFAF awardees will not be able to request reimbursement until all previously-awarded projects are either completed or terminated.


Questions and requests for clarification must be directed to FFAFgrant@milwaukee.gov. All questions must be received in writing no later than 4pm on May 10, 2024. Unless otherwise stated, responses to all questions and any further information will be posted by 4pm on May 15, 2024 to www.milwaukee.gov/ffaf.

FFAF applications will be evaluated by a review panel that includes staff from the City of Milwaukee as well as representatives of outside organizations with appropriate subject matter knowledge. Decisions of the review panel are final.

Applicants are responsible for keeping informed of the information, clarification, and answers to
questions as they are posted. All such clarifications, updates, and revisions will be incorporated into the rules of the program as they may be posted to www.milwaukee.gov/ffaf

Program Guidelines

More information about the FFAF Grant funding opportunity, as well as a copy of the full program guidelines, can be found on the Department of City Development's webpage located here: https://city.milwaukee.gov/FFAF

Applicant certification

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and accept the guidelines of the Fresh Food Access Fund and the requirements of the application process.  I understand that there is no guarantee that this application will be awarded a grant, and that any award of grant funds would be provided to me in writing on letterhead from the City of Milwaukee.


Applicant Information

Applicant Address:
Address of Proposed Project:

Project Description

Project Evaluation

Instructions: Please select a minimum of 1 type of qualitative measurement and 2 types of quantitative measurements that you will collect to evaluate your project. If the indicators you intend to collect are not listed, please select other and explain the measures or indicators that you will collect. Note that you may also expand on your selections in question #3 above - “Describe the anticipated impact of the project. How will you track and measure impact?”
Qualitative Measurements (select at least 1 and up to 6) *
Quantitative Measurements (select at least 2 and up to 13) *

Project Budget

FFAF will provide assistance only to capital projects. The FFAF will provide a maximum of 50% of the total cost of a project as a 1:1 matching grant. See the chart below for information about minimum and maximum grant. Awards of less than $5,000 may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Grant type

Minimum grant

Maximum grant

Capital Grant


Project budget must be at least $10,000 to qualify.


Project budget must be at least $50,000 to qualify.

Use the expenditure plan form below to list planned project expenditures. All applicants also must complete the “project financing plan” form to indicate how the entire project will be fully funded. Projects must at least include a plan for accessing all of the required funding necessary to complete the project.

 Expense descriptionAmounts ($)Supplier/Vendor (if known)
Space build-out
Exterior improvements
Furniture and fixtures

All applicants must complete this form. Insert the amount you are requesting through this application on the “FFAF grant" line. All projects must include at least a plan for obtaining all of the funding necessary to complete the project.

 Amounts ($)SourceStatus of Funding Source (secured, applied for, etc.)
Applicant's resources
Bank loan or line of credit
FFAF grant
Other grants

Project Team

Please list the key individuals involved in the project, as well as their role on the development team. Example: Jane Doe - Executive Director *

Supplemental Materials

If your application is approved for an FFAF grant, the applicant will be required to sign a grant contract, and provide additional information such as bids from contractors, work specifications, and vendor quote for the purchase of equipment, among other information. 

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