Milwaukee Arts Board Overview
In seeking nominations for the Artist of the Year and Friends of the Arts award we are looking for nominees whose work aligns with the Milwaukee Code of Ordinance which states that the arts board shall:
a. Promote the development, support and enjoyment of the arts in this city.
b. Promote cultural diversity in the artistic life of this city.
c. Promote the formation and growth of artistic projects or programs that are administered by and responsive to the needs of the city's communities that have been historically underrepresented or underserved based on race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, or citizenship status.
Mildred L. Harpole Artists of the Year Award
In 1995, then Milwaukee Arts Board chair Alderman Wayne Frank created the Artist of the Year Award. In 2003, the award was changed to Artists of the Year to honor two artists annually. In 2020, the Arts Board renamed the award to honor the late Mildred L. Harpole, a longtime member of the Milwaukee Arts Board. Recipients are announced through a press release in April and are recognized at the annual Arts Celebration in June. In 2025, they will receive an honorarium of $1,500.
Friends of the Arts Award
In 2012, the Arts Board created a new award, Friends of the Arts, to recognize those who, often behind the scenes, have demonstrated exemplary support to the arts community. Friends of the Arts are announced in April and honored at the annual Arts Celebration in June.
Award Process
At the April 8 Arts Board meeting, all complete and eligible nominations will be presented and Arts Board members will rank their top three choices in each category, which will be turned into scores. The two nominees with the highest scores will be awarded. In the case that we are not able to contact a nominee within two weeks of the vote, we will have to move on to the nominee with the next highest score in that category.
Except as defined below, the decision made by Milwaukee Arts Board is final. Appeals will only be considered under the following limited circumstances, if one of the following allegations has been made:
a) A procedural error has been made in handling the nomination; or
b) The Conflict of Interest Policy has been violated by a member of the Milwaukee Arts Board, or staff. All appeals shall be made in writing within 30 days after the announcement of the awards to Milwaukee Arts Board, Chairperson, 809 North Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202.
Open Records Law
All contact information submitted in this form will be kept confidential to the greatest extent allowable under Wisconsin State Statutes, Chapter 19 General Duties of Public Officials, Subchapter II Public Records and Property, Wisconsin Legislature: Chapter 19.