3-D Vision Basketball Academy Winter I Session 2023
Registration Form
Player's First Name
Player's Last Name
Grade (School Year 23-24)
Uniform Size
Already have Uniform and Ready to Play!
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth XL
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Jersey Number (Pick 3 number, separate with comma)
Parent's First Name
Parent's Last Name
Parent's Mobile Number
Parent's Email
Parent's First Name
Parent's Last Name
Parent's Mobile Number
Parent's Email
Are you interested in becoming a 3D Coach
3D WINTER I Session 2023 ($300.00)
3D WINTER I Session 2023 (300.00) with Uniform ($150.00)
*Uniform orders are final sale due to custom order. Order carefully. If you are unsure about uniform size, feel free to stop by the office and try on a set.
I agree to the terms & condition: I/we understand the participation in 3-D Vision Basketball Academy involves the risk of injury. I further understand that before participating in this program I should consult a physician for medical advice. 3-D Vision Basketball will not be held liable or responsible for illnesses, death, or accidents to my child while engaged in any activity with the academy. I/we agree to follow all rules and procedures of the program and to follow reasonable instructions of the coaches and supervisors. During the duration with the organization, participant may be photographed and used for marketing. Session dues and uniforms are non-refundable. Payments may be used as credit. I/we have read and completed the application for registration; understanding the rules of the 3-D Vision Basketball Academy and request my son/daughter be admitted into membership.
I agree
Any Special Notes?