Tapestry Feedback Survey

Features and Functionality

1. Did any features not function as expected?

2. Are there any features that you would like to see added to Tapestry?
3. Are there any features that you would remove from Tapestry?

The Product Overall

4. Please rate the following:
Look and feel/visual design12345
Ability to review material for a single country12345
Ability to compare content across countries12345
Ability to request to be contacted12345
User experience (e.g., Is it intuitive? Can you find what you're looking for? Does it function as you'd expect?)12345
Overall product12345
5. Did the Tapestry product meet your expectations?
6. The purpose of Tapestry is to remove the confusion around global regulations when placing workers.
Do you feel like this product fulfills that purpose?
8. Do you have any concerns regarding Tapestry? If so, what are they?