Alameda County Board of Supervisors has authorized the temporary waiver of certain Zoning Ordinance requirements to facilitate business operations affected by COVID-19 and the related public health orders. The purpose of this application is to register for outdoor dining, outdoor on-site alcohol establishments with outdoor full meal service, outdoor personal services, outdoor community facilities, and outdoor retail business operations that deviate from certain development standards established by the Zoning Ordinance, Specific or General Plans or other applicable land use regulations, provided they are temporary in nature and do not increase the general intensity of use nor change the use type (except in the case of outdoor on-site alcohol establishments*, with the additional provision that food must be sold in the same transaction -- through the ABC licensee -- with their alcohol services). This Registration Application is for temporary modifications to outdoor dining, outdoor on-site alcohol establishments, outdoor personal services, outdoor community facilities, and outdoor retail space, and for temporary modifications to business signage, necessitated by COVID-19 and the related public health orders.
* Outdoor On-Site Alcohol Establishments include: Bars, Taverns, Brewpubs, Wineries, Breweries, and Craft Distilleries.
- Application Fee: $0.00
- Signed copy of Agreement to Indemnify the County of Alameda.
- Signed copy of completed COVID-19 Business Registration Application and Conformance Checklist.
- Site plan or aerial photo identifying the location and dimensions of the proposed outdoor activity area, any fire hydrants located immediately adjacent to the proposed area, and any proposed physical structures, such as barriers, tents/canopies, signage, tables, and chairs.
After your COVID-19 Business Registration Application is approved by the Alameda County Planning Department, the County may schedule an onsite meeting to ensure all aspects of the use are in accordance with the Conformance Checklist and otherwise applicable County Ordinances and Fire Department regulations.