Welcome to Synergy Laboratories.

We are so happy that you have decided to partner with Synergy Laboratories for these services!
Please complete the following account information to assist our IT Team in creating your account.
Dr. Tyler Jones, Lab Director / CLIA #01D2093765
Rangeline Rd., Mobile, AL 36619
(251) 662-9760
Days of Operation
The Customer Information Request (CIR) program helps quickly fix billing problems, like missing patient details, wrong diagnosis codes, or conflicting procedures. This easy-to-follow process reduces denied claims and prevents patients from being unfairly charged. When something needs your attention, you'll receive clear instructions on how to resolve it.
Choose how you would want to submit Customer Information Request (CIR): *

Lab Services

Lab Services: *
Client Bill for Clinical, Toxicology, Molecular, Microbiology: *
Client Bill for Pathology: *

Sample Pickup Days *

According to CMS, providers must be enrolled in PECOS to order laboratory services. Until registered, all orders must be ordered by a PECOS registered provider. Once registered, follow the link below to submit an updated new physician form.

#1 *
 First NameLast NameNPI#Provider Type
Provider Info
#1 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
 First NameLast NameNPI#Provider Type
Provider Info
#2 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
 First NameLast NameNPI#Provider Type
Provider Info
#3 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
 First NameLast NameNPI#Provider Type
Provider Info
#4 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
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Provider Info
#5 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
 First NameLast NameNPI#Provider Type
Provider Info
#6 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
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Provider Info
#7 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
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Provider Info
#8 Provider Numbers
Enrollment Info
Reporting Preferences: *



Clinical Critical Results Contact

Billing Information & Contact Details

I hereby acknowledge that Synergy Laboratories will perform the above requested laboratory testing for patients from my practice as assigned and indicated on individual patient Laboratory Requisition Forms, whether in physical copy or digital. I understand it is my responsibility as a physician to assess my patients' risk factors and order tests based on each specific patient's need(s). I have reviewed the guidelines set forth by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and agree to utilize the guidelines set forth by these entities along with my professional judgment to develop individual treatment plans for my patients. I understand it is my responsibility to provide Synergy Laboratories with a signed (ink or digital) copy of any Laboratory Requisition Form and authorize Synergy Laboratories to apply this signature to any requisition form transmitted from my office (either physical or digital) in the event that my health care system cannot apply it during transmission. I understand it is my responsibility to properly chart my patients' progress and will provide any applicable information for a patient to Synergy Laboratories upon request if a test has been performed for the requested patient by Synergy Laboratories. I understand that documents that may be requested include but are not limited to: authorization of benefits, consent for treatment, advanced beneficiary notice of noncoverage, and/or progress notes. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to obtain this documentation from my patients. I will not order tests without first administering the proper risk assessments to justify medical necessity. *
I understand and agree to the above statement and would like to enter into a partnership with Synergy Laboratories. *
Signature: *
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