The Tacoma Rescue Mission:
exists to share God’s love, hope & support with our neighbors in need to uplift communities.
The New Life Program is:
✓ Christ-centered, because we know that the best hope we can offer to anyone is life transformation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The New Life Program is open to men of any faith background; participation in Bible studies, Christian discipleship, and Christian church worship services is a required part of the program.
✓ an 8-12 month Christian discipleship and addiction recovery program, providing clean-and-sober housing and meals. The program is full-time and the schedule does not allow for employment until the last phases.
✓ not a state-certified program, so no formal chemical dependency assessments are conducted.
✓ an abstinence-based recovery program. Habit-forming medication is not allowed (narcotic pain medication, methadone, suboxone, marijuana, alcohol and others).
✓ a program with wrap-around services including basic adult education/other individualized education support, career navigation, case management, individual and group counseling, work therapy, service projects, recreational outings and support groups, access to community recovery programs including; Celebrate Recovery(CR), Alcoholics Anonymous(AA), and Narcotics Anonymous(NA), and opportunity to attend and engage in local church community. All program components are mandatory.
Program Eligibility:
✓ 18 years of age or older
✓ Desire for addiction recovery support; willingness to abstain from the use of all mindaltering substances, including alcohol and marijuana
✓ Prepared to enter the program immediately upon acceptance
✓ Homeless and low-income
✓ Able to provide full and honest disclosure of history, current situation on application and in interview
✓ Able to independently provide care for self and living unit (ADLs-basic and instrumental)
✓ Able to share residential space and live in a community setting ✓ No active arrest warrants, no history of sexual offenses
Intake Requirements:
✓ 24-48 hours since last use of drugs/alcohol. Must submit a urine sample for testing at intake interview. If medical detoxification is needed, this must be completed (must provide discharge paperwork) before the intake interview.
✓ Provide picture ID
✓ Provide social security card, or proof of application for replacement card
✓ Signed consent for criminal background check
✓ Complete application for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
✓ Medical and mental health appointments complete; any prescription medication refilled
✓ Release of information signed (for probation officer, other service providers)
Focus Period:
Once accepted into the New Life Program, participants are restricted to TRM/Men’s Campus property for the first 30 days as a Focus Period. The purpose of the Focus Period is to provide rest, safety, and time to get settled and acclimated to the program.
Important appointments should be arranged prior to entry into the program medical, mental health services, etc.
No phone calls, outside appointments, or visitors allowed during the Focus Period, without approval by the Program Manager.
I have read and understand the instructions.