Professional learning has changed, and TAGT's goal is to create the most interactive giftED yet. Lecture/presentation sessions will be limited, and you're encouraged to explore how you might adapt your professional learning to be interactive and hands-on. Based on the topic proposed and availability for presentations, please note that TAGT may ask you to be flexible in your presentation type. 
Call for Proposals Timeline:
June 7: Call for Proposals Deadline
July 19: Presenters Notified of Acceptance
August 23: Presenters Notified of Schedule and Presentation Type

Session Information

What Type of Session Are You Proposing?
Professional learning has changed, and TAGT's goal is to create the most interactive giftED yet. Lecture/presentation sessions will be limited, and you're encouraged to explore how you might adapt your professional learning to be interactive and hands-on. Presenters may be asked to record non-interactive portions of presentations in advance or to present live. Based on the topic proposed and availability for presentations, please note that TAGT may ask you to be flexible in your presentation type. Please indicate how you propose presenting your learning below. *
0/50 words
Have you presented this session at a TAGT event before? *
0/50 words
TAGT Core Area *
Additional Keywords
Please indicate appropriate keywords to describe session (3 max):
How should the presentation’s content level be listed? *
Grade Level
Indicate most appropriate grade level(s) to which this content is related. Select no more than 2 responses. *
Check no more than two groups for whom this session is most meaningful. *
If this session is for teachers, does it offer any ready to use resources and/or immediate takeaways? *