New Child Care Business Owner
Program Application
As part of the Prosper project the Schmeeckle Foundation is making a significant investment to help address the shortage of family child care providers in Martin County. The project is providing business support and resources to help new and existing businesses become successful. 
Please complete this application in its entirety, and our team will reach out to you soon to schedule an interview.
Program applications are due by January 15th, 2021.
Race *
Your Gender *
What is your current employment status? *
What is your household income? *
What type of child care business are you planning to open? *
How many children do you expect to serve with your business? (Expected) *
What option below best describes your business stage? *
After your training is complete, how long until you plan to open your business? *
After completing this program, do you commit to opening your family child care business and remain open for at least 3 years? *
We regret to inform you that in order to proceed with the program application you must commit to open your child care business at some point after program completion, and to remain open for at least two years.

Child Care Business Idea

The following questions provide insights to the PROSPER team about your business ownership journey.  There are no right or wrong answers. These responses help support your candidate conversation to ensure the program is the right fit for you at this time.
0/500 words
0/500 words
0/250 words
0/250 words
0/500 words

Program Declarations

Please review and answer the following declarations. These are designed to ensure an optimal experience for you and your future business colleagues in child care. Your advisor will review these answers with you during your application review call.
1. I have reviewed the schedule for classes and have no expected conflicts with any of the sessions *
2. I have an appropriate space for learning and virtual class engagement that is generally free of distractions *
4. I agree to be engaged during live sessions including using microphone and camera. I understand I will be working in small groups to explore concepts and ideas together during live sessions. *
Please check all items that you currently have in your possession? *
How would you rate your comfort level in using technology (1 - uncomfortable, 2 - neutral, 3 - comfortable)? *
Comfort level

Additional Program Offerings

I’m interested in learning more about a loan pre-qualification for starting my new business *
I’m willing to begin the standard background check process required to become a licensed family child care provider *
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