1066 Rifle & Pistol Club
Membership Form

Please note -To become a full memmber you must attend 6 times in 3 months then attend regularly. For Heritage section you will need to be a Full Member for 1 year, have a FAC and 1066 RPC must have a space for you.


Current Address

Other Address Within Last 3 Years (1)

Other Address Within Last 3 Years (2)

Identification (For Safety Course)

Membership Class

Firearms Information

Do you hold a Firearms Certificate (FAC) ? *
Do you hold a Shotgun Certificate (SGC) ? *

Junior Applicant (8 - 18 years old)

New Member Questionaire and Agreement

Do you belong to any organizations / groups that seek to discredit target shooting clubs *
Do you belong to any organizations / groups that are deemed to hold radical views - If Yes please list organisations / group *
Are you or have you been a journalist if yes to either what was your specialty *
Do you have any strong Religious or Political views *
You need to attend the club no less than 4 times per year, can you commit to this *
Any comments made by members that you find offensive will be investigate without prejudice by 1066 RPC Management board, these must be made in writing. These are not to be discussed outside the structure of 1066 RPC, can you commit to this. *
Any changes to your circumstances need to be notified to the club asap, can you commit to this. *
Do you have a Criminal Record *

Please read and accept the following declaration Under Section 21 of The Firearms Act 1968.

It is an offence for a person who is prohibited by Section 21 of The Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or ammunition in his/her possession at any time. This section applies to any person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or to youth custody or detention in any young offender’s institution for three months or more.

A person sentenced to 3 years or more is prohibited for life
It is an offence for a person to transfer, let, hire or lend a firearm or ammunition to someone whom he/she knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to be prohibited person.

By agreeing this statement you are confirming the following statement: -

I hereby declare that I have never had a firearm or shotgun application refused or such a certificate revoked. I also declare that I am not a person prohibited by virtue of Section 21 of The Firearms Act 1968.

I also hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any wilful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or immediate termination of membership.

I accept the above declaration *
Please read and accept the 1066 Rifle and Pistol Club Privacy policy *
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