Over 100 students participate in PALY’s award-winning choral program each year. In addition to the Beginning and Concert Choir classes, the program includes two Advanced Vocals courses, the Madrigals and Spectrum Singers, as well as various student-led a cappella groups and the Men’s Choir. The choirs perform four concerts each year in addition to performing at our annual Madrigal Feaste and in a number of choral festivals throughout the state. A variety of visiting guest artists and conductors expose the students to new and exciting music and techniques.
The Friends of the Palo Alto High School Choir (FOPC) are proud to support PALY choir’s award-winning choral program with over 100 students. In addition to providing volunteers to organize and chaperones, FOPC pays for most of the choral program’s non-salaried expenses. Such costs include:
• Accompanist and arrangement fees
• Guest artist stipends
• Travel to choral competitions
• Purchases of concert attire
• Upkeep and refurbishments of Madrigal Feaste costumes
• Underwriting of parent and student social events
• Purchases of enhanced recording and sound equipment
In addition, FOPC provides scholarships for the choirs’ bi-annual international tours and other overnight trips. These activities all help the directors, Mr. Michael Najar and Ms. Brittney Kerby, create such an outstanding program. Please consider a donation to FOPC so we can help keep the music alive!
Your donations pay for the majority of our expenses.
Our federal tax ID # is 77-0382876.
A donation of $300 per participating student is suggested, however,
donations of any size are welcome and appreciated.