Fiery Arts Boosters (Website, Handout, Fall Sale)

The Paly Fiery Arts supports the mission of Paly sculpture students having a full ceramic and sculpture studio. We are proud that the studio allows students to engage in a comprehensive ceramic and glass blowing curriculum. Materials studied focus on clay and include glass, wood, metal, stone, plaster, and found objects.

Please join us for our Fiery Arts Fall Sale September 8 & 9, 2023 at Paly. Donations and the sale are our major fundraisers for the program.

Here is the Fall Sale announcement.

There are only a handful of public high schools that have this comprehensive sculpture curriculum. We need your HELP to continue this unique Paly program. Thank you!
Paly Fiery Arts Boosters is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization Tax ID# 46-3071251

Contact Information

Donate to Fiery Arts Boosters

Your contributions are not required for your student’s participation in this activity in any way and are entirely voluntary.  Your valuable contributions help Paly go beyond the basics in providing enhanced student experiences.
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